Wednesday, April 14, 2010


only a few days late : )

we had a wonderful easter! we attended the Good Friday service at buckhead that was phenomenal ~ as always! then we had dinner with teenie & poppa...

saturday we headed over to my parents in the late afternoon to enjoy an easter celebration dinner with my mom & dad, grandmother & my parents' neighbors. the food was delicious and the company was great ~ we all enjoyed our time!

on sunday we were ready in record time and picked up becky, grabbed coffees and headed to church to make sure we were able to get a good parking space, get bella in her class and save great seats all before the big crowds arrived... thankfully we were fairly successful!

after amazing praise and worship and a great message, we all- jason, me, bella, becky, teenie & poppa, todd & staci, christian, noah, emerson and jonathan & elizabeth- headed to wahoo grill for a delicious brunch buffet. by the looks of bella's dress after eating, she thoroughly enjoyed it too : )

precious bella just waking up
her easter goodies ~ notice the picture of her on the right side w/ the bunny ~ so sweet!
finding her dora ball in her easter basket
me & my hubs
our family

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